Ecosystems Value Blueprint
(Version 2.0)
What is the Value Blueprint?
Ecosystems is excited to launch version 2.0 of its “Blueprint of a World-Class, Value-Based Commercial Operating System,” or Value Blueprint. The document is designed to map an organization’s 5-stage journey from “Nascent” to “Leading Edge” in the development of customer value capabilities.

The document can serve as a practical guide for aligning sales, marketing, customer success, service, enablement, and operations around a common vision of customer value in ways specifically designed to boost predictable growth and improve customer experience.
Version 2.0 also includes practical/tactical advice on the change management necessary for moving from one stage to the next.
Leaders can use the Blueprint to:
- Assess their current value capability against a world-class standard
- Align that assessment across senior leaders to ensure a common vision of the current state and next steps
- Benchmark their current value capability against similar organizations
- Prioritize the next steps/investments in building a world-class value-based commercial operating system
- Plan an execution strategy against those priorities
- Communicate that plan to other organizational stakeholders, using the framework as a "common language” to align and guide organization-wide improvement
- Measure progress against those goals year-over-year through annual reassessment
Contact us to discuss your value journey, your organization's current maturity level, guidance on the next steps, and help with stakeholder alignment.